Saturday, March 5, 2011


I've been actively partnering with God to cleanse me from past bondages, brokenness and sin so that I can grow and be used without hurting others.  My prayer once a day is, "Lord, search my heart.  Show me what pleases you and show me where I need to repent."  I find that He gives me the answer in dreams so that I can't miss it or resist it.  When God convicts, He does it with love and without condemnation.  When I let things go, He washes me and heals me. 

True revival always starts with repentence first.

Jan Baker

Eagles in the Mill Creek area

My co-worker sent this as an e-mail last week.  Since eagles represent the prophetic, I'm interpreting it as a sign in the natural of what is going on in the supernatural.

"Hello Edison,
     Did anyone else see the bald eagle fly down Mill Creek and past my classroom window this AM around 8:10?  Mike Denny, local bird expert, says that there are 35-50 eagles at the mouth of the Walla Walla River near Wallula.  10-12 a day fly up the Walla Walla River and tributaries in search of deer carcasses to scavenge (and fish)."

Jan Baker

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Destiny Word for 2010 and Vision for Journey

Look at the links below leading to the Journey Church website for the Destiny Words for 2010 and the Vision for Journey Church through 2020.